Fall 2020 Region Meeting
I hope this message finds you well! The last six months have been incredibly turbulent and I know we are all scrambling to find our way forward! On Saturday, August 15th we will have our Fall Region meeting at 1pm via Zoom. Please email Steven Rash (stevenrash AT gmail.com) for the link if you did not receive the email. Draw for order for the years event will be handled virtually in a separate meeting. Bill Cason will send out the information and set up that meeting/details. Please look for that information in a separate email I’ll forward from him.
This is the agenda for the meeting and a copy of the TMEA Virtual Audition Process guidelines. There will likely be some slight differences as it applies to us, but given ATSSB has agreed to follow the rules of TMEA we expect it to be pretty consistent with the final ATSSB document. We will be attending a virtual set of trainings tomorrow and will have more information to share with you at the region meeting.
I’ve had a few questions about middle school region music. All music for middle school is up to date on www.atssbregion14.org – this is the even year music plus the chromatic scale. If you have specific middle school questions, Miguel Cabrera is the best person to contact. His email address is miguel.cabrera AT robstownisd.org.
If you have any new directors on staff, or know of anyone new to the region, I’d ask that you please forward this email/information to those people. I’ve caught a few of the moves in this email, but I know a couple schools that I haven’t yet learned who have taken those positions. We hope you all stay well! Best wishes to you and your bands as we navigate the waters of this season!