2017 ATSSB All-Region Audition Info and Cuts
Please be sure you arrive by 7:30am if you are a monitor or have middle school students!
Audition Cuts
You may find the audition cuts for this weekends 2017 ATSSB Region 14 Audition Cuts here. Please disseminate this information to your students as soon as possible, definitely prior to Saturday so that the auditions may run as smooth as possible for your students!
Student Check-In
On Saturday students will be checked in as they arrive. Beginning at 7:30am at the front of West Oso HS (by library area) middle school students will check-in. Students will need to find the monitors for their section and sign-in/receive their badge label that will go on their shirt. Students should cover their label in front of other directors if possible to avoid knowledge of that information for anyone judging a section. Anyone who is an outside monitor, or a head monitor for one of the larger sections, should be sure they are at the check-in area by 7:30am to help move the lines through quickly. I will have placed each sections check-in badges and forms there.
At approximately 8am, or before, we will call for HS students to also go sign in and receive their badges. A backup set of badges will be maintained in the contest office for when a student loses their sticker. You might advise your students to take a picture with their phone, or mark their audition number/letter on their music when they receive it. Once students have checked in we will get all middle school students lined up in hallways outside the audition rooms as soon as we are able. Monitors should have their sections ready to begin auditions by 8:50am if at all possible. A microphone will be available in the Cafeteria to call for your sections.
If for some reason a band or student is late they will be able to complete their sign-in at the room as needed. Students are allowed to being auditions as long as the first round has not completed. Once the second round has begun then they are otherwise judged DNA. There is no need to give DNA’s to anyone as you check-in, we will handle that in the office off of sign-in sheets as they come in.
Monitor Meeting
There will be a meeting for monitors between sign-in and beginning auditions. Jason Howard and Emerico Perez will take care of briefing monitors of procedures. All monitors should meet at the front of West Oso HS by 7:30am. Please do not disappear elsewhere or come to the directors meeting. You have separate information that you need to receive. If you are judging later and have a question on those procedures please ask either of them or see myself about those. Please note monitors are usually the reason a section runs smoothly, or has issues, your jobs are incredibly important!
Directors Meeting
All directors who are not monitors will meet in the West Oso Band Hall by 8:30am. We will go over all procedures that must be followed through the auditions. It is imperative/mandatory that directors and staff are all in attendance. If their names are not on the judges list we will probably still need them! Especially in the case of the HS auditions we are short a few people still. Our goal will be to start the auditions for all rooms by 8:50am.
Other Information
Even after you have completed your auditions please do not rush off. Often times we have an error that we need to correct and discover the judge/director has left before the verification window has expired. Particularly with the HS Auditions this could/has resulted in lawsuits for regions. With folders we would similarly request that you not immediately take them off of tables. We are going to try a new method of distributing folders by placing student name labels/schools on the folders. Please double check each folder and wait for us to say you may take them. Often times people leaving early means we’re chasing folders/students across the region the next week.
Saturday there will be no lunch break specifically for directors. Meals will be brought by the rooms so that we do not have to delay the contest for a meal break. We appreciate West Oso providing that meal for the directors! As soon as a middle school panel has finished, and you have all needed for the high school panel, please immediately go to the new room and begin. Monitors should round up students as soon as they can after the middle school round so that we can keep the contest moving.
Please contact myself or Charlie if you have any questions or concerns. I know that we will once again have a great day of tryouts on Saturday!
Best Wishes,
Steven Rash
ATSSB Region 14